Enology Notes Index A-E

The Index is broken down into alphabetical sections. Please choose the section for the subject you are interested in.

A-E   F-J   K-O   P-T   U-Z

1+1 corks 100
2+2 corks 100
2001 season 32
2002 France Study Tour 70
2007 harvest 137
2-AAP 14
absolute filtration 65
accelerated aging 98
accuracy 19, 126
acetaldehyde 33, 35, 36, 72, 96, 98, 106
acetate esters 77, 99
acetic acid 71, 96, 106
acetic acid bacteria 91, 105
Acetobacter 91
acid 43
acid addition 80, 107
acid elements 94, 108
acidic elements 90, 103
acidity 52, 68, 82, 94
Aconcagua 83, 109
adsorbed/scalped 99
aeration 56, 93, 105, 113
aeration of red wines 33
Aeration Oxidation method (AO) 98
aeration/microoxygenation 80
aerobic racking 106
agglomerated corks 100
aging bouquet 97
aging potential 103
aging rate 97
alcohol 108, 137
alcohol at dejuicing 80
alcohol concentration 68, 69, 87
alcohol spray 67
alcohol toxicity 56, 105
alcohol, 70% ethyl 67
alcohol/Brix ratio 69
alcoholic concentration 109
aldehyde(s) 120
aldehyde formation 33
algin 46
alginates 46
alginic acid 46
alpha-amino acids 113
amelioration 69, 83
American culture 89
Am. Soc. for Enol. and Vit. - Eastern Section 98
American wine community 89
amino acids 3, 56
aminoacetophenone 14, 77
ammonia 105, 113
ammonia N 56
anaerobic fermentation 26
anaerobic metabolism 82
anaerobic spoilage organisms 71
analytical data 19
anthocyanin(s) 30, 33, 47, 61, 65, 87, 90, 107, 116, 117, 118, 120
anthocyanin pigments 23, 76
anthocyanin-tannin complex 33
anthocyanin/tannin ratio 8, 116, 118, 120
antimicrobial agent 91
antioxidant(s) 98, 101, 102, 129, 134
Argentina 42
arginine 3, 82, 104, 113
arginine accumulation 104
arginine to proline ratio 104, 113
argon 122
aroma 57, 91, 95, 106, 113
aroma complexity 54
aroma components 54, 77
aroma intensity 83
aroma modification 103
aroma precursors 54
aroma profile 28
aroma screen 79, 113, 127, 134
aroma, vegetal 114, 115, 132
aroma volatiles 96
aroma/flavor 27, 30, 63, 64, 65, 101, 109, 112, 137
aroma/flavor compounds 4, 97, 102
aroma/flavor potential 23, 58
aroma/flavor precursors 75, 112
aroma/flavor profile 53
aroma/flavor stripping 12
aroma/flavor uniformity 50
aroma/flavor volatiles 99
aromatic fruit 32
ascorbic acid 27, 79, 95, 98, 101, 102, 110, 111, 113, 129, 133,134
assimilable nitrogen levels 14
astrigency 27, 29, 41, 43, 45, 52, 65, 68, 82, 84, 87, 94, 117
astringency, perception of  57
asynchonous ripening 103, 114
asynchronous berry development 53, 58, 81
asynchronous ripening 78, 94
ATA (atypical aging) 14, 77, 107, 110, 111, 137
ATA odor 110
ATA screen 110
ATA screening test 77
atmospheric pressure 31
atypical aromas/flavors 14, 77
Australian red method 41
Auxerrois/Malbec 70
available nitrogen 106
available oxygen 26
average berry weights 104
average daily mean 32
average monthly highest maximum 32
back pressure shock 67
bacterial fermentation 71
balance 108
balanced mix (CO2/N2) 122
barrel aging 95, 106
barrel stirring 95
barrel to barrel racking 33
barrel topping 106
barrel-aged lees 6, 25, 69, 76
barrels vs. tanks 95
Basque 42
bentonite 11, 12, 45, 58, 73, 91, 105
bentonite fining 37
Bentotest 12
berry breakage 78
berry dehydration 62
berry development 87
berry growth 58
berry phenols 22
berry samples 58, 81
berry sampling 53, 78, 115
berry shrivel 104, 107
berry size 22, 32, 57, 70, 80, 87, 90, 103, 104
berry weight 23, 57, 104, 107
berry weight at maturity 104
berry weight at veraison 104
bias 19
biofilms 92
biological contamination 67
biological screening 111
bitartrate 111
bitartrate crystals 38
bitartrate ions 37
bitartrate precipitation 37
bitartrate stability 32
bitartrate stability 37, 38, 41
bitterness 27, 29, 43, 47, 52, 68, 79, 82, 84, 87, 108, 116
blanketing 122
bleeding 28, 82
bleeding/co-fermenting 80, 103
bloom 45, 92
bloom period 50
body 57, 85, 106, 108
body feeding 66
Bordeaux mix 70
Botrytis 105
Botrytis cinerea 24
bottle bouquet 97, 98
bottle variation 97, 98, 100
bottling 111
bottling equipment 97
bottling equipment 98
bound aroma/flavor precursors 63
bouquet 96
Brett metabolism 92
Brettanomyces 71, 84, 91, 92
Brett-like odors 29
British Columbia 40
Brix 23, 32, 53, 104
Brix hydrometers 56
Brix to alcohol conversion rate 80
browning 47, 100
bubble point 67
buffering capacity 97
Cabernet Franc / Carbernet Franc (Beton) 75, 94, 112, 123
Cabernet Gernischt 126
cake filters 66
cake filtration 66
calcium mucate 2
Canada's VQA 40
Candida pulcherrima 54
Candida stellata 54
canopy climate 63, 64
canopy management 27
canopy management 57, 63, 64, 68, 76, 103
canopy side 65
canopy vigor 50
cap management 61, 62, 80, 81, 103, 109, 114, 117
cap management systems 22
cap stem closure 62
Carbodoseur 122
carbohydrates 84
carbon dioxide 101, 102, 122, 139
carbon dioxide toxicity 56, 105, 133
carbonic maceration 82
Carmenere 83, 109
Casablanca 83, 109
casein 46
catechins 47
cellar management 80, 103
chalky limestone 75
chaptalization 80, 82
Chenin (Pineau de Loire) 75
Chenin blanc 101
Chile 83, 109
Chilean Winemakers Society 83
chill cells 139
chill haze 38
Chinese wine industry 125, 126
chloroanisols 35, 36
chlorophenols 35, 36
cinnamate decarboxylase 29
clarification 45, 84
clarifying juice 28
clean lees 69
climate 32, 83, 109, 118
climate change 112
climate of the Loire 75
closure review 77, 99, 100
closure variation 96
cluster numbers 75
cluster sampling 53
Code of Sustainable Winegrowing Practices 63
coefficient of variation 78
cofactors 116, 120
cold soak(ing) 6, 41, 76, 80, 81, 103, 107, 109, 117, 128, 139
cold stability 38, 111
cold stabilization (chill proofing) 37, 38
colloids 108
colmated corks 100
color 91, 116, 117, 118, 120
color absorption 103
color attributes 85
color change uniformity 53
color components 85
color compounds 4
color intensity 117
color modification 46
color ripening 30
color shifts 45
color stability 33, 60, 62, 65, 75, 76, 78, 81, 83, 116, 120
colored anthocyanins 75
complete seal 97, 98
complex yeast nutrients (CYN) 133
complexing 85
complexing agents 38
complexing factors 37
complexity 113
condensed phenolics 43
conductivity test 38
consistent wine quality 78
contact time 38
conversion rate of sugar to alcohol 50
cool fermentation temperature 81
cooler growing/ripening temperatures 32
coordination and communication 89
copigmentation 22, 85, 116, 117
copigmented anthocyanins 60, 85
copper 46, 85, 93, 101, 102, 111, 112, 113, 129, 134
copper addition 79
copper levels 45
copper sprays, late season 127
copper sulfate 70, 79, 101, 113
copper sulfate sprays 105
co-precipitation 37
cork 96
cork grade 35, 36
cork moisture 97
cork quality 100
cork quality control 35, 36
cork taint 35, 36, 94, 97
cost of production 83, 109
Cotes du Brulhois 42
counterfining 45
counterfining agents 46
coupled oxidation 112, 133, 134
critical control points (CCP 115, 139
critical limits 115
critical quality control points 22
crop level 63, 112
crop load 75, 83, 94, 103, 104, 105, 113
crop-to-leaf area 114
crushing and destemming 22
crushing/destemming, whole cluster pressing 80
cryoextraction 24
Cryptococcus 54
crystal nucleii 38
crystalline inhibitors 41
crystallization 37
cultivation 110
cupric sulfate 93, 113
Curico 83
cuvaison 70
cuvée(s) 122
cysteine 71, 79
DAP (diammonium phosphate) 26, 32, 56, 79, 81, 82, 92, 105, 107
day/night temperature range 87
deacidification 84
deficiencies 105
deficit irrigation 83
degassing 122
degree of polymerization 65, 68, 116, 120
dejuicing prior to dryness 78
delestage 8, 23, 69, 76, 78, 80, 81, 90, 103, 114
depth filters 66
depth filtration 65
designer closures 97
desirable aroma/flavor 50
desirable mouthfeel 81
destemming 70, 107
diatomaceous earth (D.E.) 65, 66
diethyl sulfide 79
differential fruit zone leaf removal 63
diglucoside pigments 90, 103
dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) 79
dimethyl sulfide (DMS) 79
diminished primary fruit aromas 60
displacement gas 122
dissolved oxygen 33, 97
distillation 31
distribution average 53
disulfide bridges 71, 79
disulfide(s) 70, 79, 113, 134
diurnal range 32
divided canopy systems 83
DP number 116
dripless sulfur sticks 70
drought stress 58
dry tannins 94, 108
dry weather 32
dryness 52, 82, 84, 104
duration of MLF 72
Durham (fermentation) tube 56
dusty tannins 84
early harvest fruit 14
early MLF 72
ebulliometry 31
electrical conductivity 38
electronic nose 119, 137, 139
elemental sulfur (S) 70, 79, 93, 113
elevated pH 60, 83, 109
ellagic tannins 41, 60, 106
endpoint determination 31
engustment 61, 62, 119
enology components, red wine HACCP-like plan 80
environmental taints 94, 97, 100
enzyme addition 76, 80
equilibrium point 95
esterases 24
esters 28
estimation of average berry weights 23
ethanol 84
ethanol concentration 31
ethyl acetate 56
ethyl carbamate 26
ethyl esters 77, 99
4-ethylguaiacol 92
ethyl mercaptan (EtSH) 70, 79
4-ethylphenol 92
ethyl-phenols 29
EuroMachines 80
European Commission 91
excessive maturity 50
extended post-fermentation maceration 62, 117
extraction enzymes 107