Enology Notes Index K-O

The Index is broken down into alphabetical sections. Please choose the section for the subject you are interested in.

A-E   F-J   K-O   P-T   U-Z

Subject Issue
KHT 37, 38
killer toxins 56
Kloeckera 105
Kloeckera apiculata 54
Kloeckera spp. 56, 83
laboratory trials 45
laccase 24, 103
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) 65, 91
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains 71
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) management 71
lactic acid bacterial growth 72
Lactobacillus 71, 73, 91, 105
large polymeric pigments (LPP) 33, 62, 65, 76, 82, 116
last month of maturity 32
late harvest wine production 32
late inoculation 105
late inoculum 56
leaf area 30, 112
leaf fall 30
leaf senescence 114
leaf shading 80
lees 90, 101, 103
lees and color 41
lees and oak bouquet 41
lees contact 22, 93, 106
lees management 71, 106, 113
lees stirring 106
lees storage 112
length of maceration 107
Leuconstoc 105
light 27, 53
light, clean lees 76
light (low boiling point) sulfur compounds 113
light crop 57
light exposure 114
light lees 57, 71, 78, 106, 113
Loire River Valley 75
long settling 56, 105
longer maceration 72
low phenol varieties 33
lysozyme 73, 91
maceration 117
maceration enzymes 29, 90, 103
maceration period 71
macro-, meso-, and micro-climate 63, 64, 65, 87
macromolecules 6, 41, 57, 106
Madiran 42
Maipe 83
malate 103
malic acid 30, 63, 84, 111
malic acid respiration 6
malic enzyme (ME) 30
management of lactic acid bacteria 73
management of phenols 33
manno-protein polysaccharides 103
mannoproteins 6, 25, 41, 69, 71, 106
Manseng 101
Marsanne 70
maturation dynamics 53
mature tannins 27
maturity 87
maturity evaluation 27, 50, 101, 115
maturity evaluation gauge 57
maturity gauges 83
maturity gauges 109
maturity of skin and seed tannins 76
Maule 83
maximizing aroma/flavor and structure 81
maximum aroma/flavor 30, 107
maximum berry weight 30
maximum sample area 53
maximum weight 107
media migration 65
membrane efficiency 65
membrane filters 67
membrane-type filters 65
mercaptans 70, 71, 96, 113
Merlot 62
metal-containing fungicides 70
metallic bitterness 77
metals 96
methionine 79, 113
methode champenoise 43
methoxypyrazine(s) 94, 112, 113, 114, 115, 132
methyl indole 14, 77
2-methylisoborneol 35, 36
methyl mercaptan (MeSH) 70, 79
Metschenickowia pulcherrima 54
3-MH 101, 112
3-MHA (3-mercaptohexyl acetate) 102
Mg++ nutrition/deficiency 90, 103
microbiological 111
microbiological antagonism 105
microbiological degradation 60
micronutrient deficiency 105
micronutrients 113
microoxidation 103
micro-oxidation 33
microoxygenation 42, 69, 75, 76, 78, 84, 92, 94, 95, 108, 114, 120, 134
microoxygenation research 35, 36
microoxygenation research review 23
mid-palate body 62
MLF (malolactic fermentation) 22, 72, 82, 91, 104, 106, 137
MLF completion 71
MLF supplement 104
MLF timing 73
4-MMP 101, 112
4-MMPOH 101
MOG removal 114
moisture stress 57, 107, 110, 111, 113
moldy grapes 47
molecular form 96
molecular oxygen 26, 122
monitoring 115
monomeric anthocyanins 62
monomeric phenols 33
monomers 65, 76
Mourvedre 70
mousseux 91
mouthfeel 62, 84, 113
mouthfeel balance 76
mouthfeel management 76
mouthfeel modification 103
mouthfeel softening 78
mouthfeel wheel 27, 33
mucic acid 2
mulberry wine 125
multiple harvest dates 53
must turbidity 79
musty odor 35, 36
NaOH standardization 31
native yeasts/bacteria 105
natural cork 77, 99, 100
nephelometer 28
new oak 84
New Zealand 112
New Zealand Screwcap Initiative 96
nighttime temperatures 101
nitrogen (N) 14, 111
nitrogen additions 79
nitrogen (N) adjustments 28
nitogen (N) application 110
nitrogen deficiency 56, 77, 110, 113, 133
nitrogen gas 113
nitrogen metabolism 110, 113
nitrogen status 26, 81, 92, 107
nitrogen (N) supplementation 102
nitrogen supplements 92, 113, 133
nitrogen uptake 110
Noble rot 24
non-invasive analysis of fruit 51
nonsoluble solids 6, 28, 56, 71, 80, 105, 106, 139
non-volatile precusors 113
normal rating 65
Norton grape 90, 103
Norton HACCP-like plan 90
Norton production challenges 103
Norton structural/textural quality 103
Norton varietal aroma 103
Norton varietal descriptors 90
NTU/turbidity level 93
number of clusters per shoot 63
nutrient addition 56, 105
nutrient cocktails 105
nutrient supplementation 32
objectives for US industry 89
1-octen-3-ol 35, 36
1-octen-3-one 35, 36
Oenococcus 73, 91
off-odors 93
OIV 91
Okanagan Valley 40
optical density (OD) at 420 nm 98
optimum maturity 50
optimum mean ripening temperature 87
optimum mean temperature 59
Oregon wine industry 139
organic farming 75, 83, 109
organic grape growing 63
osmotic distillation (OD) 69
osmotic pressure 32, 56, 105
overall ripeness 50
overcropping 57
over-extraction 76
overfining 45
oxidation 35, 36, 100, 106, 111, 112, 113, 129, 133
oxidation of phenols 26
oxidation potential 111
oxidation-reduction (redox) 96, 134
oxidation-reduction (redox) potential 79, 95, 96, 102, 113
oxidation-reduction (redox) state 70
oxidation-reduction potential 41
oxidative buffering capacity 41, 80
oxidative changes 99
oxidative degradation 71, 77, 101, 102, 113, 129
oxidative polymerization 94
oxidized 96
oxidized (brown) color and character 46
oxidized character 98
oxidized sulfides 79
oxidized volatile sulfur compounds 113
oxidizing agents 95
oxygen 26, 56, 95, 105, 111, 113, 120, 122
oxygen balance at bottling 97
oxygen buffering 57, 106
oxygen depletion 26
oxygen exposure 98
oxygen ingress 97
oxygen management 8, 133, 139
oxygen permeability 98, 100
oxygen pick-up 111
oxygenation 92, 106, 107
oxygenation (wine aeration) 134