Wine / Enology Grape Chemistry Group

Winery Sustainability Program Online. In early 2008, we organized a very successful Winery Sustainability and Design program covering many winery sustainability issues. Because of the success of this event and the importance of the subject, I have posted an Adobe Presenter version of this online. The subjects included in these audio and Power Point slide presentations are as follows:

  • Sustainability in Winery Design
  • Sustainable Winery Architecture
  • Why Solar, Why Now
  • Gravity Flow Design, Principles and Practices
  • Cellars, Caves and Earth-Sheltered Design
  • Winery Construction and Sustainable Building Materials

Each presentation is approximately 45 minutes long. Topics are discussed by some of the most respected winery architects, engineers, and winery planners from California and the Pacific Northwest.

This password-protected program is available for a donation of $45 to the Enology-Grape Chemistry Group at Virginia Tech. These funds will be used to support graduate student education.

To gain unlimited access:

  1. Mail a check for $45, payable to Virginia Tech Foundation. Please list this as gift.
  2. Send to Bruce Zoecklein, Department of Food Science and Technology (0418), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
  3. Provide your full name and email address.

A password will be emailed to allow full access to all Adobe Presenter programs listed above.

Below is a listing of the lectures available on-line complete with slides and audio. If you are interested in obtaining access to them, contact Bruce Zoecklein at or call (540)231-5325. There is a small fee for access.

Winery Sustainability and Design

A Series of Adobe Presenter Lectures on the Web


Introduction - Prof. Bruce Zoecklein


Prof. Bruce Zoecklein

Sustainability in Winery Design - Hall

Winery Design

Andy Hall

Why Solar, Why Now? - Sheehan

Why Solar, Why Now?

Gary Sheehan, PG

Sustainability in Winery Architecture - Chauncey

Winery Architecture

Joe Chauncey

Gravity-Flow Design: Principles and Practice - Ferar

Gravity-Flow Design:
Principles and Practice

Laurence Ferar

Green Building for Winery Facilities - Black

Green Building
Winery Facilities

R. Gary Black

Earth-Sheltered Design Drawing - Ferar

Cellars, Caves
Earth-Sheltered Design

Laurence Ferar