Wine / Enology Grape Chemistry Group

Enology Notes #145

Enology Notes #145, November 12th, 2008 - Link to PDF

To: Winemakers and Prospective Winemakers

From: Bruce Zoecklein, Professor and Head, Enology-Grape Chemistry Group, Virginia Tech

Subjects Discussed in Enology Notes #145:

  1. Winery Sustainability Program Online
  2. Wine and Juice Analysis Short Course
  3. Winery Planning, Design, and Expansion Workshop

1. Winery Sustainability Program Online. In early 2008, we organized a very successful Winery Sustainability and Design program covering many winery sustainability issues. Because of the success of this event, and the importance of the subject, I have decided to post an Adobe Presenter version of this online. The subjects included in these audio and PowerPoint slide presentations are as follows:

  • Sustainability in Winery Design
  • Sustainable Winery Architecture
  • Why Solar, Why Now
  • Gravity Flow Design, Principles and Practices
  • Cellars, Caves and Earth-Sheltered Design
  • Winery Construction and Sustainable Building Materials

Each presentation is approximately 45 minutes long. Topics listed are discussed by some of the most respected winery architects, engineers, and winery planners from California and the Pacific Northwest.

This password-protected program is available for a donation of $45 to the Enology-Grape Chemistry Group at Virginia Tech. These funds will be used to support graduate student education.

To gain unlimited access:

  • Mail a check for $45, payable to Virginia Tech Foundation.
  • Send to Terry Rakestraw, Department of Food Science and Technology (0418), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24060.
  • Provide your full name and email address.

A password will be emailed to allow full access to all Adobe Presenter programs listed above.

Wine and Juice Analysis Short Course. The Enology-Grape Chemistry Group will offer a two-day juice and wine analysis short course January 14-15, 2009.

This program will be a hands-on, practically-oriented laboratory course conducted in the Food Science and Technology Building on the campus of Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

Registration is restricted to 16. If you are interested, register early because this annual program always fills quickly. Registration details are provided below.

This two-day program will include the following areas, with emphasis on hands-on analysis.

  • The small winery laboratory
  • Good laboratory practices
  • Fruit processing basics
  • Maturity indices
  • pH basics
  • Titration and titratable acidity
  • Yeast assimible nitrogen (YAN)
  • Sugars
  • Alcohol
  • Protein stability
  • Bitartrate stability
  • Organic acids
  • Volatile acidity
  • Sulfur dioxide
  • Sulfur-like off odor compound recognition and treatment
  • Measuring dissolved oxygen
  • Sensory evaluation exercises
  • Visit and tour of the Enology Service Laboratory

The course includes a 100 page course manual with procedures and relevant discussions.

Copies of Wine Analysis and Production (Zoecklein et al., 1999) will be available to registrants for purchase at a discount. This book is not required for the course but represents a source of supplemental information.

Registration is limited to 16 commercial wine industry members.

To register send a check for $485 made payable to Virginia Tech Foundation.

Mailed to payment: Terry Rakestraw Department of Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0418.

Provide full contact information including:

  • Name
  • Winery
  • Email address
  • Mailing address
  • Day-time phone number

Space is not reserved until the check is received.

Winery Planning, Design and Expansion Workshop. A one-day program titled: "Winery Planning, Design and Expansion" is scheduled for March 13, 2009 in King of Prussia PA, just outside of Philadelphia. This event is associated with Wineries Unlimited 2009.

The following topic areas will be reviewed and discussed by leading architech and planners from throughout the country.

Winery Design

  • Winery Facility Design Concepts
  • Winery Design Considerations
  • Winery Layout

Examples of Winery Designs

  • Winery Architecture
  • Winery Designs and Case Studies

Integration of Winery Process Equipment, Layout and Design

  • Stylistic Winemaking and Winery Design
  • Equipment Considerations Overview
  • Equipping Small vs. Large Wineries
  • Fermentation and Storage Vessel Considerations

Sustainable Winery Design Considerations

  • Winery Sustainability Options
  • Saving Energy and Water
  • Wine Caves
  • Gravity Flow Winery Designs

Winery Business Planning

Winery Economics

Expansion Economics

Registration information is available at

Grape Border

Subscription to Enology Notes. All past Enology Notes newsjournals are posted on the Enology-Grape Chemistry Group's web site at:

To be added to (or removed from) the Enology Notes listserve send an email message to with the word "ADD" or "REMOVE" in the subject line.

Dr. Bruce Zoecklein
Professor and Enology Specialist Head Enology-Grape Chemistry Group
Department of Food Science and Technology, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg VA 24061
Enology-Grape Chemistry Group Web address:
Phone: (540) 231-5325
Fax: (540) 231-9293
Cell phone: 540-998-9025