Enology Notes

Enology Notes # 17 April 12, 2001

To: Virginia Vintners and Prospective Vintner

From: Bruce Zoecklein

Subject: Winery planning and design workshop

Winery Planning and Design Workshop. A one-day Winery Planning and Design Workshop is scheduled for July 21, 2001 at the Forsyth County Agriculture Building, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. This program is for those seriously interested in entering the commercial wine industry.

This event is being coordinated by Dr. Bruce Zoecklein and Dr. Robert Wurz and is co-sponsored by the Enology-Grape Chemistry Group, Virginia Tech and the North Carolina Winegrowers Association.

The workshop will include presentations, discussions, and printed materials on the following:

The workshop fee is $115 payable to North Carolina Winegrowers Association, P.O. Box 27647, Raleigh, NC 27611. Pre-registration is required and enrollment capacity is limited. The registration deadline is July 6.

Additional registration information is available from Chanel McIntyre at chanel.mcintyre@ncmail.net or (919) 733-7136.

Additional program information is available from Dr. Bruce Zoecklein, Head, Enology- Grape Chemistry Group, Virginia Tech at bzoeckle@vt.edu or phone at (540) 231-5325. and posted on the group's web site at www.fst.vt.edu/zoecklein/index.html. From the home page chick on events.